VESTA has created a user-friendly guide for people who have experienced sexual violence. In this guide, we cover topics like definitions, the way the Canadian criminal code outlines terms, myths, important details regarding reporting and court proceedings, links to 24/7 crisis services, and more. Download the full handbook or individual chapters as needed. Our hope is that our straightforward guide is able to bring clarity to some of the common questions people may have surrounding sexual violence. We welcome you to provide feedback and hope that you are able to use this guide to take back your power and make informed decisions that are right for you and your situation.
Chapter 1: What Is Sexual Violence?
Chapter 2: What About Consent?
Chapter 3: Myths & Facts About Sexual Violence
Chapter 4: How Do I Tell Family, Friends or My Employer?
Chapter 5: What Are My Options?
Chapter 6: Barriers to Reporting
Chapter 7: Reporting – When, Where & How
Chapter 9: Pre-Trial Proceedings
Chapter 10: The Criminal Trial
Chapter 11: Where Can I Go For Help?
Legal Disclaimer: This handbook provides general information that is intended, but not guaranteed, to be correct and up-to-date. Vesta Social Innovation Technologies does not assume any responsibility for actions or non-actions taken by people who have used this handbook for information, and no one shall be entitled to a claim for detrimental reliance on any information provided or expressed.
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