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Your strength is immeasurable, and your voice is powerful.

You deserve to be heard, believed, and supported. Don’t suffer in silence. Reach out for help, because you are not alone. Reporting is not just about seeking justice; it’s about reclaiming your power and breaking the cycle of all forms of gender based and sexual violence. Together, we can create a world where survivors are met with empathy, respect, and justice. Your courage inspires change. You deserve to be safe, respected, and free from harm.

Seek support, speak out, and know that you are deserving of a life filled with dignity, safety, and love.

Available Tools

VESTA is here to help give survivors a place to start, a place to record what happened, access information, connect to services, preserve evidence and connect to reporting. 


Record your experience

Documenting and recording what happened to you is a powerful tool in your journey towards healing, justice, and empowerment.

Your story is valid, and your experiences matter. By documenting the details of what happened, you preserve evidence that can strengthen your case, whether it’s seeking legal recourse, reporting to authorities, or seeking support from trusted individuals.

Documentation not only helps validate your experience but also holds perpetrators accountable for their actions. It helps fight against he said/she said scenarios.

It empowers you to reclaim control over your narrative and seek the justice and support you deserve. Remember, you are not alone, and your voice is your greatest asset.

Following a question and answer trauma-informed format, survivors can document their experience at their own pace and words. They can attach social media, emails and other documents to their record. Survivors decide if and when they are ready to engage the criminal justice system.



What happened is not your fault, and there is no shame in seeking support.

Your strength in seeking support is a beacon of hope illuminating a path towards healing and resilience.


Whether through professional therapy, support groups, crisis chat services, or confiding in trusted friends, reaching out is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your courage and determination to reclaim your life. 

In seeking support, you can unlock a world of understanding, compassion, and guidance that empowers you to navigate the complex journey of healing.


Therapy and counseling provide a safe space to explore your emotions, identify coping mechanisms, and chart a course towards healing and growth. Support groups offer solidarity and community, reminding you that you are not alone in your struggles. Crisis chat services provide immediate support in moments of distress, offering a lifeline of empathy and validation. And confiding in friends can provide invaluable emotional support and comfort.


Multiple Reporting Options

Reporting what happened to you is not just an act of courage; it’s a crucial step towards reclaiming your power and ensuring accountability.  


By speaking up, you break the cycle of silence and pave the path for justice.

Your voice can spark investigations, dismantle systems of oppression, and protect others from similar harm.

Reporting holds perpetrators accountable, sends a powerful message that violence will not be tolerated, it opens doors to support and resources for healing. We respect that reporting is a personal choice, and how and when you do, is up to you. That’s why we’ve created multiple choices for how, when and to whom you report.



Reporting is not just about seeking justice; it’s about reclaiming your dignity, safety, and right to live free from fear.  We’re working with several community partners to make online reporting possible. Visit our partner page if you’d like to bring online reporting to your community.


Privacy by Design principles embedded and PIPEDA compliant to protect your privacy.


Based on protocols developed by law enforcement and community service providers.


Cloud servers are located in Canada, in AWS data centers that are ISO 27001, SOC 1 and SOC 2 certified.


All data is encrypted in transit and at rest. TLS 2.0 and AES 256 technology protects your information.

Learn more about VESTA COMMUNITY, how it works, and how it supports survivors.

See how VESTA creates safe spaces at work, at school, at play, and at home.
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